System requirement:
True Launch Bar can be installed on Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Developed by TORDEX - Software For You

Drive Space skins specification


The skin is the the INI-file with the skin settings and the set of images used in the skin. The images must be in the PNG format. This possible to use the alpha channel (transparency) in the images. The INI file must be named drvspace.ini. All files must be placed into the single folder.

INI file contain the section in the square brackets and the values:

valueName = value

Values can contain the text, numbers, positions, sizes, and colors. There are some syntax rules to define the complex values like the colors and brushes.

Colors definition

Drive Space supports the colors in the RGBA (Red Green Blue Alpha) format. Every color component must be in the range 0-255. The alpha component is the transparency value (0 – transparent, 255 – opaque). The alpha component is optional (it is 255 by default). The color components must be separated by the space.

Brushes and Pens

Drive Space can fill the charts with the Brushes and stroke them with the Pens. In the most cases you can define both Brush and Pen in one parameter. Here is the format description:

usedSpace = brushName(brush parameters) penName(pen parameters)

The supported brushes are : solidBrush, xGradient, yGradient, radialGradient

The supported pens are: solidPen


Fill the element with to solid color. This brush accept only one parameter - the color. Here is the example of the solid brush that fill the element by the red color:

usedSpace = solidBrush(255 0 0)


Fills the element by the gradient from the left to the right side. This brush accept 2 colors as parameters. The first is the color at the left side and the second color at the right side:

usedSpace = xGradient(255 0 0, 0 0 255)


Fills the element by the gradient from the top to the bottom side. This brush accept 2 colors as parameters. The first is the color at the top side and the second color at the bottom side:

usedSpace = yGradient(255 0 0, 0 0 255)


Fills the element by the radial gradient This brush accept 2 colors as parameters. The first is the color at the center and the second color at the border:

usedSpace = yGradient(255 0 0, 0 0 255)


Stroke the element with the solid color. The pen accept the two parameters. The first parameter is the color and the second parameter is the stroke width (default is 1):

usedSpace = solidPen(255 0 0, 2)


Elements can depend of the parameters or draw the parapeter text. Parameters can have the text or number values.

The text parameters:

The numeric parameters:

Section [options]

The section [options] used to define the skin name and author. Possible values:


name    = Simple White
author  = Tordex
url     =

Section [background]

This section defines the background color/image for one drive. Possible values:

If the value type is image then the values stateNormal, stateHover and statePressed must contain the name of the picture file. When the value type is color then the values stateNormal, stateHover and statePressed must contain the brush and/or the pen definition.

Example of the image background:

type         = image
width        = 50
height       = 10
stateNormal  = bg.png
stateHover   = bgH.png
statePressed = bgH.png

Example of the color background:

type         = color
width        = 50
height       = 50
stateNormal  =
stateHover   = yGradient(255 255 255, 128 128 128)
statePressed = xGradient(255 255 255, 128 128 128) solidPen(255 0 0 255, 3)


Every skin can contain any number of elements. The section of the elements have the format [element#] where # is the number of the element beginning from zero. The values set for elements depends of the value type. But there are some common values:


This chart takes two images and draw them at same place by cropping them using the pie mask.

free space
used space
free space used space imagePieChart result

Possible values:


type        = imagePieChart
freeSpace   = pie-normal-free.png
usedSpace   = pie-normal-used.png
freeSpaceA  = pie-normal-free-a.png
usedSpaceA  = pie-normal-used-a.png
X           = 0
Y           = 0
width       = 50
height      = 50


This is the simple pie chart that uses the brushes and pens. Possible values:


type        = colorPieChart
usedSpace   = solidBrush(0 0 255) solidPen(255 0 0)
usedSpaceA  = solidBrush(255 0 0) solidPen(0 0 255)
freeSpace   = solidBrush(0 255 0) solidPen(255 0 0)
freeSpaceA  = solidBrush(255 255 0) solidPen(0 0 255)
X           = 0
Y           = 0
width       = 50
height      = 50


This is the simple horizontal row chart that uses the brushes and pens. Possible values:


type        = colorHRowChart
usedSpace   = yGradient(0 0 255, 0 0 200) solidPen(255 0 0)
usedSpaceA  = yGradient(255 0 0, 200 0 0) solidPen(0 0 255)
freeSpace   = yGradient(0 255 0, 0 200 0) solidPen(255 0 0)
freeSpaceA  = yGradient(255 255 0, 200 200 0) solidPen(0 0 255)
X           = 0
Y           = 1
width       = 100
height      = 20


This is the simple vertical row chart that uses the brushes and pens. Possible values:


type        = colorVRowChart
usedSpace   = xGradient(0 0 255, 0 0 200) solidPen(255 0 0)
usedSpaceA  = xGradient(255 0 0, 200 0 0) solidPen(0 0 255)
freeSpace   = xGradient(0 255 0, 0 200 0) solidPen(255 0 0)
freeSpaceA  = xGradient(255 255 0, 200 200 0) solidPen(0 0 255)
X           = 1
Y           = 0
width       = 20
height      = 100


This chart rotate the image depending of the used space. The Width and Height values are ignored for this chart.  X and Y values means the position of the center point. Other values:

type         = rotateImageChart
image        = needle.png
imgCenterX   = 3
imgCenterY   = 24
startAngle   = -120
endAngle     = 120
X            = 38
Y            = 38


Draw the image. The image can depend of some parameters. The values can be following:

type     = image
data     = read
image0   = read-off.png
image1   = read-on.png
X        = 0
Y        = 0


Draw the rectangle with brush and/or pen. The rectangle color can depend of the some parameters. The values can be following:

type     = rect
data     = read
color0   = solidBrush(255 0 0 100)
color1   = solidBrush(255 0 0 255)
X        = 0
Y        = 0
width    = 10
height   = 10


Draw the text parameter. Possible values:

type      = text
align     = center
data      = freeSpace
font      = Tahoma
color     = 255 255 255
X         = 1
Y         = 18
width     = 148
height    = 10


Draw the formatted text. The string can contain any text. The parameters must in form: {paramName}. Possible values:

type    = formattedText
align   = center
text    = {freeSpace} free of {totalSpace} ({freePercent})
color   = 255 255 255
font    = Tahoma
X       = 1
Y       = 18
width   = 148
height  = 10


Draw the horizontal row chart using the images. Supported values:

type       = imageHRowChart
align      = left
drawType   = stretch
usedSpace  = hTile.png
usedSpaceA = hTileA.png
X          = 1
Y          = 13
width      = 148
height     = 11


Draw the vertical row chart using the images. Supported values:

type       = imageVRowChart
align      = bottom
drawType   = tile
usedSpace  = imgTile.png
usedSpaceA = imgTileA.png
X          = 2
Y          = 4
width      = 6
height     = 36


Draw the chart from the set of the images. Supported values:

type       = imageSetChart
count      = 28
image      = imgSet.png
isVertical = 0
X          = 10
Y          = 7
width      = 53
height     = 58

Here is the imgSet.png: 


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