System requirement:
True Launch Bar can be installed on Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Developed by TORDEX - Software For You

System Monitor skins specification


The skin is the the INI-file with the skin settings and the set of images used in the skin. The images must be in the PNG format. This is possible to use the alpha channel (transparency) in the images. The INI file must be named MemonSkin.ini. All files must be placed into the single folder.

INI file contain the section in the square brackets and the values:

valueName = value

Values can contain the text, numbers, positions, sizes, and colors. There are some syntax rules to define the complex values like the colors.


System monitor supports the colors in the RGBA (Red Green Blue Alpha) format. Every color component must be in the range 0-255. The alpha component is the transparency value (0 – transparent, 255 – opaque). The alpha component is optional (it is 255 by default). The color components must be separated by the space. Here some examples:

color1 = 255 0 0      ; red color
color2 = 0 255 0      ; green color
color3 = 0 0 255      ; blue color
color4 = 34 56 98 128 ; color with transparency

Positions and Sizes

All sizes and positions must be defined in the points. The positions is relative to the left-top corner of the skin. The left-top corner have the 0 0 position. Size and Position must have two numeric values separated by space. The first value is the horizontal position (X). The second value is the vertical position (Y). For size these values are width and height.

Pos  = 23 34 ; position at X:23 Y:34
size = 48 24 ; width:48 height:24

The Counters

The counters is the system parameters the System Monitor can show. The values in the table bellow are the same as they must appear in the INI file. Here is the list of supported counters:

Value Description
CPU The CPU usage.
PHYS_TOTAL Total physical memory
PHYS_USED Used physical memory
PHYS_FREE Free physical memory
VIRT_TOTAL Total virtual memory
VIRT_USED Used virtual memory
VIRT_FREE Free virtual memory
PAGE_TOTAL Total page file size
PAGE_FREE Free space in the page file
PAGE_USED Used space in the page file
CPU# This counter can appear in the diagrams only. SM split the diagram to show the usage of the every core or processor in the multi-core systems.

Section [options]

The section [options] used to define the skin name and author. Possible values:


name   = Vista Sidebar
author = Tordex
email  =
url    =

Section [general]

This section describes the global skin parameters. The values in this section can be:

Value Description
none The auto size is disabled. The skin size is defined by the background image of in the size value.
width The skin uses the default button width as the base size. So the width of the button never be more the the default button width. The height is scaled with the constrain proportions.

This value can be used to make non-square skins for vertical toolbars.
height The skin uses the default button height as the base size. So the height of the button never be more the the default button height. The width is scaled with the constrain proportions.

This value can be used to make non-square skins for horizontal toolbars.

Sections [diagram#]

The sections [diagram#] defines the chart (diagram) to draw the counters. The # is the 1-based index of the diagram. Here is the list of possible values in this section:

Value Description
VertRow The vertical row
HorzRow The horizontal row
History The histogram
Pie The pie chart
RotateImage The image rotation depending of the counter value. This type can be used to create the gauge like effects.
Value Description
X Fill the chart by horizontal gradient. Parameters color and color2 used and the start color and the end color.
Y Fill the chart by vertical gradient. Parameters color and color2 used and the start color and the end color.
solid The solid fill, color2 is ignored
Value Description
solid The chart will be filled by solid color or gradient. Also the chart can be outlined.
line The chart will be outlined only. Plugin uses the color parameter for outlining.
picture The chart will be filled by the picture.
Value Description
stretch Stretch the image
tile Tile the image
crop Crop the image. When using this type width or the height of the chart is set into the width or height of the image.

Here the examples of the [diagram#] sections:

field        = CPU             ;the CPU usage counter
type         = History         ;the histogram
point        = 16 16           ;position
size         = 30 31           ;size
fillType     = solid           ;fill type
color        = 0 255 0 128     ;fill color
outlineColor = 0 255 0 255     ;outline color
startFrom    = right           ;new values from the right
valuesFrom   = bottom          ;values grows from the bottom

field        = PHYS_FREE       ;the physical memory counter
type         = VertRow         ;vertical row
point        = 2 16
size         = 12 31
color        = 0 255 255 128   ;transparent fill color
outlineColor = 0 255 255 255
valuesFrom   = bottom 


Sections [DataSlot#]

The sections [DataSlot#] defines the text data to draw. The # is the 1-based index of text data. Here is the list of possible parameters in this section:

Here the examples of the [diagram#] sections:

field  = CPU
font   = Tahoma
bold   = 0
italic = 0
align  = right
pos    = 0 0
size   = 46 17
color  = 0 255 0

Sections [image#]

The sections [image#] defines the images draw on the skin. The # is the 1-based index of the image. Here is the list of possible parameters in this section:

Multi-core support

Section [core]

This section is used to define the chart for one core in the multi-core skin. The section have the same parameters as the [diagram#] sections. The parameter field is ignored here. Also some new parameters added:

You must define one of the parameters rows or columns only. Not the both. The omitted parameter is calculated by the skin.

Section [coreText]

This section is used to define the text on the core chart in the multi-core skin. The section have the same parameters as the [DataSlot#] sections. The parameter field is ignored here. Also some new parameters added:

Section [coreImage#]

This sections is used to define the images to draw on the core chart in the multi-core skin. The section have the same parameters as the [image#] sections.

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